click the button above
and you're hearing the demo for a song i wrote called sees fire
why show you a demo? because it is an uncertain thing, an imperfect thing, a thing still blossoming. and right now, we could all remember the life saving grace of being uncertain. no rhetoric, choose poetry
that's it. no website for now. no press. no news on songs releasing. no nothing. just this song will repeat itself.
wrote the song when certain platforms would not let us say certain words outright
you can hear the form behind the form, the song behind the song
truly, there is only love. only love, only love, only love
god is in the love between you and me, I have to believe
a child sees fire
where there should be earth
little one, i wish i could
build you a palace
tiny little one, i wish
i could build you a palace
tine the right fires in you
an ocean, a river, you'll see
one day you'll be free
i have to believe
they're all fighting
and while they see stories
of a past, a present, a future
a child sees fire,
little one,
they don't see you
the world is burning
a child
sees fire
All inquiries of all kinds and natures on my behalf can and should go to
Felix Grimm
If you're a young person / musician / fellow traveller of the world and want to write to me about what you've seen during your travels, click here.
All booking can be addressed with Todd Walker at outer/most agency.